Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "addResFailed" AddResource failed
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "resFNotFound" Resource file not found
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "resNotFound" Resource not found
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "inputOutOfBounds" Offset or count out of bounds
Color Manager: "reRangeErr" from SetEntry
I/O System: "readErr" Driver can't respond to Read call
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "writingPastEnd" Writing past end of file
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "resourceInMemory" Resource already in memory
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "CantDecompress" Resource bent ("the bends") can't decompress a compressed resource
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "badExtResource" Extended resource has a bad format.
Color Manager: "gdBadDev" from SetEntry
I/O System: "statusErr" Driver can't respond to Status call
AppleEvent: "errAEIllegalIndex" Not a valid list index
AppleEvent: "errAEReplyNotArrived" Reply has not yet arrived
AppleEvent: "errAEHandlerNotFound" No handler found for an Apple event or a coersion
AppleEvent: "errAEUnknownAddressType" Unknown Apple event address type
AppleEvent: "errAEParamMissed" Handler did not get all required paramters
AppleEvent: "errAENotASpecialFunction" Wrong keyword for a special function
AppleEvent: "errAENoUserInteraction" No user interaction allowed
AppleEvent: "errAETimeout" Apple event timed out
AppleEvent: "errAEWaitCanceled" User canceled out of wait loop for reply or reciept
AppleEvent: "errAEUnknownSendMode" Invalid sending mode was passed
AppleEvent: "errAEReplyNotValid" AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply
AppleEvent: "errAEEventNotHandled" Event wasn’t handled by an Apple event handler
AppleEvent: "errAENotAppleEvent" Event is not an Apple event
AppleEvent: "errAENewerVersion" Need a newer version of the Apple Event Manager
AppleEvent: "errAEBadListItem" Operation involving a list item failed
AppleEvent: "errAENotAEDesc" Not a valid descriptor record
AppleEvent: "errAEWrongDataType" Wrong descriptor type
AppleEvent: "errAECorruptData" Data in an Apple event could not be read
AppleEvent: "errAEDescNotFound" Descriptor record was not found
AppleEvent: "errAECoercionFail" Data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type
Color Manager: "i2CRangeErr" from SetEntry
I/O System: "controlErr" Driver can't respond to Control call
Color Manager: "seProtErr" from SetEntry
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cParmErr" Invalid parameter
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cDepthErr" Invalid pixel depth
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cResErr" Invalid resolution for MakeITable
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cDevErr" Invalid type of graphics device
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cProtectErr" ColorTable entry protection violation
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cRangeErr" Range error on colorTable request
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cNoMemErr" Failed to allocate memory for structure
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cTempMemErr" Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "cMatchErr" Color2Index failed to find an index
Color Manager: "seOutOfRange" from SetEntry
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "notEnoughStack" Not enough stack space for the necessary buffers *OR*
"mfStackErr" Insufficient stack
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "pixMapTooBigErr" Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel [passed pixelmap is too large]
Color Quickdraw & Color Manager: "regionTooBigError" Region too big or complex
Color Manager: "noRoomErr" from MakeITable
HFS FileID: "fidExists" file id already exists
HFS FileID: "fidNotAFile" directory specified
HFS: "desktopDamagedErr" The desktop database has become corrupted — the Finder will fix this, but if your application is not running with the Finder, use DTReset or DTDelete
HFS: "catChangedErr" Catalog has changed and CatPosition may be invalid
HFS: "diffVolErr" Files on different volumes
HFS: "notAFileErr" Specified file is a directory
HFS: "fidExists" File id already exists
Power Manager: "pmRecvEndErr" During receive, Power Manager did not finish handshake
Power Manager: "pmRecvStartErr" During receive, Power Manager did not start handshake
Power Manager: "pmSendEndErr" During send, Power Manager did not finish handshake
Power Manager: "pmSendStartErr" Power Manager IC did not start handshake
Power Manager: "pmReplyTOErr" Timed out waiting to begin reply handshake
Power Manager: "pmBusyErr" Power Manager IC stuck busy
HFS: "fidNotFound" File ID not found [No file thread exists]
HFS FileID: "fidNotFound" no file thread exists
Color Manager: "overRun" from MakeITable
AppleTalk - ATP: "errRefNum" Bad connection reference number
Menu Manager: "userCanceledErr" User canceled an operation
AppleTalk - ATP: "errAborted" Request aborted by dspRemove or dspClose function
AppleTalk - ATP: "errState" Bad connection state for this operation
AppleTalk - ATP: "errOpening" Attempt to open connection failed
AppleTalk - ATP: "errAttention" Attention message too long
AppleTalk - ATP: "errFwdReset" Read terminated by forward reset
AppleTalk - ATP: "errDSPQueueSize" Send or receive queue is too small
AppleTalk - ATP: "errOpenDenied" Open request denied by recipient
HFS: "fsDSIntErr" Internal file system error
Menu Manager: "dsHMenuFindErr" Could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey
Menu Manager: "dsMBarNFnd" System error code for MBDF not found
HFS: "updPixMemErr" Insufficient memory to update a pixmap
HFS: "volGoneErr" Server volume has been disconnected.
HFS: "wrgVolTypErr" Not an HFS volume [wrong volume type error or (obsolete) operation not supported for MFS]
HFS: "badMovErr" Move into offspring error
HFS: "tmwdoErr" No free WDCB available
HFS: "dirNFErr" Directory not found
Color Manager: "tblAllocErr" from MakeITable
Storage Allocator: "memLockedErr" Trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)
Storage Allocator: "memAZErr" Address in zone check failed
Storage Allocator: "memPurErr" Trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block
Storage Allocator: "memWZErr" Attempted to operate on a free block; GetHandleSize fails on baseText or substitutionText [WhichZone failed (applied to free block)]
AppleTalk - ATP: "reqAborted" ERdCancel function called for this ERead [SendRequest aborted by RelTCB] Stream Protocol - DSP driver Errors
AppleTalk - ATP: "noDataArea" No data area for request to MPP
AppleTalk - ATP: "noSendResp" AddResponse issued without SendResponse
AppleTalk - ATP: "cbNotFound" Control Block not found; no pending asynchronous calls
AppleTalk - ATP: "noRelErr" No release received
PictInfo: "pictureDataErr" Invalid picture data
PictInfo: "colorsRequestedErr" Number out of range or greater than passed to NewPictInfo to NewPictInfo
PictInfo: "cantLoadPickMethodErr" Custom pick method not in resource chain